TOFA 2012


Pula, Croatia

23-28, September, 2012

A Special Issue of the CALPHAD Journal (Calphad - Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry) devoted to TOFA2012 - DISCUSSION MEETING ON THERMODYNAMICS OF ALLOYS, is foreseen.

A limited number of contributions can be accepted.

Authors are invited to submit an original manuscript, as a full-length paper, related to the contribution (oral, poster and invited) presented at the aforementioned conference.

In case you intend to submit an article to be published in this Special Issue, please, be aware of the following:

- The manuscript should be delivered in a form as described according to the Instructions to Authors for CALPHAD via the Elsevier electronic submission site (EES) which is accessible via:

- The manuscript should be submitted electronically via the journal homepage:

-  After login, you will be asked to select an “Article type”. Please select “TOFA 2012” from the pull-down menu and continue your submission procedure following the instructions.

- The volume of the manuscript (text double spaced; abstract, tables, captions and figures on separate pages) should not exceed the maximum of 20 pages.

- Deadline for the submission will be January 15, 2013.

All papers will be refereed in accordance with the standard of the CALPHAD Journal.

Notice that it is already possible to submit your manuscript. Early submission are welcome in order to have smooth refereeing process and all paper ready for publication  by the end of April, 2013.

In case you intend to submit paper, please inform us about it and send a preliminary title of your article with the list of co-authors before September 14, 2012.